Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Fall ya'all

These fall arrangements are the last ones that I have arranged for the church's alter. One is placed on each side of the alter.

These beauties adorned the alter at Calhoun Baptist Church from July to to Labor Day. One on each side of the alter. Don't you just love Red, White and blue?

I arranged these peach colored Lillies and Roses for the alter for the blessed time of Easter Season!

In all things give thanks unto the Lord!

I arranged these last four to decorate our place of worship to celebrate Valentines Day!

These were to decorate the tables for the Valentine Banquet and to welcome our new Pastor Jordan and Mallory.

I hope that you have enjoyed seeing my creations. I love to share the gift that God has bestowed upon me! Therefore, as the Scriptures say, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD." 1 Corinthians 1:31 niv.

I share these beautiful flower arrangements with you only to glorify God!